Healthcare Innovation Seed Grants
The Emory-Georgia Tech Healthcare Innovation Program (HIP), in partnership with the Emory Synergy Award Program, Georgia Clinical & Translational Science Alliance (Georgia CTSA), Emory Healthcare Innovation Hub, Emory Health Services Research (HSR) Center, Winship Cancer Institute (Winship), Emory+Children’s Pediatrics Institute, and Georgia Institute of Technology, is pleased to announce the twenty-first round of research seed grants in Healthcare Innovation. Seed grants will fund multi-investigator & multi-disciplinary teams examining healthcare services and clinical effectiveness involving adult and/or pediatric patients that are consistent with the goals of HIP. Check back for deadline details.
Awardees from previous rounds of faculty and student seed grants can be sorted according to program topic, year, and round number in the table below.
Previous Award Recipients
Number | Title | Principal Investigator(s) | Year | Topic | Recipient Type |
Round 17 | A Novel Web-based Decision Aid Tool for Reducing COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy | Ambar Kulshreshtha, MD, PhD | 2022 | Technology and Informatics, Education and Communication, Disease Prevention and Patient Management | Faculty |
Round 18 | Machine Learning-Based Spatial And Temporal Dynamics Network Analysis for Diabetic Kidney Disease in COVID-19 Survivors | Dong Li, MD, PhD | 2022 | Disease Prevention and Patient Management, Outcomes and Evaluations, Technology and Informatics | Faculty |
Round 18 | Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga to treat PTSD in minoritized women in a safety net hospital | Ursula Kelly, MSN, PhD, Abigail Powers Lott, PhD, ABPP | 2022 | Social Determinants and Disparities, Access to Healthcare | Faculty |
Round 15 | Contributions of Social Determinants of Health to Susceptibility and Severity of COVID-19 Across the U.S. | Julie Gazmararian, PhD, MPH | 2021 | Social Determinants and Disparities | Faculty |
Round 16 | Psychological Effects of Long COVID on Healthcare Workers | Sarah Cook, MD | 2021 | Outcomes and Evaluations, Population Safety and Risk | Faculty |
Student Round 6 | The Potential for Anti-Occlusion Technology in Drainage Catheters | Wallace Garrett | 2021 | Disease Prevention and Patient Management, Technology and Informatics | Students |
Student Round 6 | Developing a Novel Toolkit (Empower-Connect) to Improve Telemedicine Experience for Patients and Providers | Vinta Subramanya | 2021 | Social Determinants and Disparities, Technology and Informatics, Outcomes and Evaluations, Education and Communication | Students |
Student Round 6 | PocketDoc: Empowering Patients Through Recovery and Beyond | Christopher Awad | 2021 | Technology and Informatics | Students |
Round 14 | Community-Focused Assessment of the Experiential Impact of COVID-19 | Nadine Kaslow, PhD | 2020 | Population Safety and Risk, Technology and Informatics, Social Determinants and Disparities, Education and Communication | Faculty |
Student Round 5 | OmniMed: Providing Information Access as a Mechanism to Reduce Inappropriate Emergency Care Use | Sharvil Patel | 2020 | Outcomes and Evaluations | Students |
Number | Title | Principal Investigator(s) | Year | Topic | Recipient Type |